Monday, September 19, 2011

Murphy Strikes Again

Publish Post

Murphy's Law Strikes Again

OK, if Monday was one of the best days ever, why does Murphy's Law always seem to keep her watchful eye out for me. She is lurking around the corner, waiting for the clock to strike midnight, so all hell can break loose. Yes, Murphy and I go way back: there was the eco-friendly Christmas tree incident where I planned on being kind to mother nature by buying a Christmas tree which could be planted -- one to which I just happened to be allergic and was infested with insects; there was the time when I was reminded of the good Samaritan story and decide to pick up an elderly homeless woman laying on the side of the road...and couldn't get her or her dog out of my car for a week; And yes there was even the time, when bubbling from excitement after a great show, the other shoe dropped, or should I say c-clamp, because that's what hit me on the head from 20 feet.

Throughout, all my run-ins with Murphy, I have tried to maintain a positive attitude, by calmly reminding myself that these are just mere coincidences, and everyone must go through their fair share of crap. I mean there must be mounds of people with flying insects taking nest in their Christmas trees. And I am sure most people would stop for an elderly person laying in the lawn of their neighborhood Taco Bell (well maybe not people in New Jersey or New york, but the rest of the general population, definitely.) And how was I supposed to know? The homeless people in New Jersey don't label themselves by carrying signs. And well... having your ex drop something on your head from 20 feet...OK, I don't really have an explanation for that one.
But seriously after several concurrent "coincidences" in which your life starts to look more like an episode of "I Love Lucy" -- especially the one where chocolate candy comes speeding along the conveyor belt at the chocolate plant and Lucy is shoving gobs in her mouth and clothes trying to figure out where to put it all (actually that seems more like a fantasy than a nightmare to me...but, I digress)-- than the boring monotony you just assume everyone else goes through, you start to wonder if perhaps Murphy Law is indeed your arch nemesis.

I am not superstitious, but I am definitely not inept, and I really see no other alternative: Murphy Law is my arch nemesis. So this question is directly aimed at you, my arch nemesis. Why, oh why are you so damned intent on destroying the start of a perfectly good week? After such a wonderful Monday, I foolishly believed that maybe, just maybe the rest of the week would be as equally pleasing. But no, you had to go and ruin it with an inept doctor, who after I left his office and was told if my lab results were abnormal, I would be called, had me drive back 30 minutes, just to tell me my lab work was NORMAL! You had to run your grubby fingers all over my $300 blender, thus destroying the only piece of kitchen equipment I actually use and need to stay on my healthy diet! And then you top it off with HER...ha, ha, ha (nice touch, by the way) -- the crazy senior lady you so methodically planted at the YMCA to lecture me on how little boys were not supposed to go in the women's locker room. Oh, I bit my tongue, but I wanted to let the sarcasm ooze from my mouth: "I'm sorry, I didn't realize there would be some women with pedophiliac tendencies. I'll have to be more sensitive to those with sex addictions next time."

So, yes, you won this round Murphy Law, but

I will use everyone incident you bring my way for good, not evil. I will use it for the purpose of creating better characters and better plays. So, you my friend, better watch your back!

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